XX电子有限公司XX Electronics CO., Ltd
总经理办公室 General manager’s office
企管部 Enterprise management department (EM)
行政部 Administration department (AD)
销售部 Sales department (SD)
财务部 Financial department (FD)
技术部 Technology department (TD)
物控部 Production material control department (PMC)
生产部 Production department(PD)
模具部 Mold manufacturing department, Tooling manufacturing department (TM)
品管部 Quality Assurance department (QA)
冲压车间 Stamp workshop, press workshop
注塑车间 injection workshop
装配车间 Assembly workshop
模具装配车间 Mold and die Assembly workshop
金属加工车间 metal machine workshop
电脉冲车间 Electric discharge process workshop
线切割车间 wire cutting process workshop
工磨车间 Grinding workshop
总经理 General manager (GM)
副总经理 Vice-general manager
经理 manager
董事长 president
副董事长 Vice-president
XX部门经理 Manager of XX department
主任、主管 supervisor
拉长 Line leader
组长 Foreman, forelady
秘书 secretary
文员 clerk
操作员 operator
助理 assistant
1、ES 工程规范 Engineering Specification
2、KCC 关键控制特性(GM)Key Control Characteristic
3、KPC 关键产品特性(GM)Key Product Characteristic
4、OEM 整车厂 Original Equipment Manufacturer
5、SC重要(特殊)特性 Significant(Special) Characteristic
6、ANOVA 方差分析法 Analysis of variance
7、CFT 多方论证小组 Cross function Team
8、DFMEA 设计失效模式及后果分析 Design Failure Mode and Effects Analysis
9、DOE 试验设计 Design of Experiment
10、DVP&R 设计验证计划和报告 Design verification Plan and Report
11、FTC 试生产能力 First Time Capability
12、GR&R 量具的重复性和再现性Gage Repeatability and Reproducibility
13、PFMEA 过程失效模式及后果分析Process Failure Mode and Effect Analysis
14、SFMEA 系统失效模式及后是分析 System Failure Mode and Effect Analysis
15、QSR 质量体系要求 Quality System Requirement
16、QFD 质量功能展开 Quality function Deployment
17、TGR 运行情况良好 Things Gone Right
18、TGW 运行情况不良 Things Gone Wrong
19、VE/VA 价值工程/价值分析 Value Engineering/Value Analysis
20、BOM 物料清单 Bill of Material
21、Cpk 稳定过程的能力指数 Capability for stable process
22、LCL 下控制限 Lower Control Limit
23、UCL 上控制限 Upper Control Limit
24、LSL 工程规范下限 Lower Specification Limit
25、USL 工程规范上限 Upper Specification Limit
26、Ppk 性能指数 The performance index
27、MRB 物料评审 Material Review Board
28、PSW 零件提交保证书 Part Submission Warrant
29、X(—)--R图 均值一极差图 Average-Range Chart
30、SRPC 供方要求产品更改 Supplier Request for Product Change
31、SREA 供方工程批准的要求 Supplier Request for Engineering Approval
32、IAA 临时批准授权 Interim Approval Authorization
33、AAR 外观件批准报告 Appearance Approval Report
34、PTR 试生产(报告) Production Trial Run (Report)
35、DCP尺寸控制计划(动态控制计划)Dimension Control Plan (Dynamic Control Plan)
37、防错(POKA-YOKE)Mistake Proofing
注塑机 injection machine
冲床 Punch machine
混料机 blender mixer
尼龙 nylon
黄铜 brass
青铜 bronze
紫(纯)铜 copper
料斗 hopper
麻点 pit
配料 compounding
涂层 coating
飞边 flash
预热 preheating
再生料 reworked material
再生塑料 reworked plastics
工艺设计 process design
紧急停止 emergency stop
延时 time delay
保质期shelf life
ABC分类法ABC Classification
反常需求Abnormal Demand
措施信息Action Message
基于活动的成本核算Activity-based Costing (ABC)
实际能力Actual Capacity
实际成本Actual Costs
替代工序Alternative Routine
装配订单Assembly Order
装配零件表Assembly Parts List
计划自动重排Automatic Rescheduling
可达到库存Available Inventory
可用材料Available Material
达到库存Available Stock
可利用工时Available Work
平均库存Average Inventory
欠交订单Back Order
倒序计划Back Scheduling
倒冲法Back flush
现有库存余额Balance-on-hand Inventory
批号Batch Number
批量生产Batch Production
工时清单Bill of Labor
提货单Bill of Lading
物料清单Bill of Material
分库Branch Warehouse
经营规划Business Plan
能力管理Capacity Management
能力需求计划Capacity Requirements Planning (CRP)
保管费率Carrying Cost Rate
保管费Carrying Cost
单元式制造Cellular Manufacturing
修改批量日期Change Lot Date
修改工序Change Route
修改产品结构Change Structure
检查点Check Point
闭环物料需求计划Closed Loop MRP
通用工序标识Common Route ID
计算机集成制造Computer-integrated Manufacturing (CIM)
配置代码Configuration Code
约束管理/约束理论Constraints Management/Theory of Constraints (TOC)
依成本的材料清单Costed Bill of Material
急需零件Critical Part
累计提前期Cumulative Lead Time
现有运转时间Current Run Hour
现有运转数量Current Run Quantity
周期盘点Cycle Counting
调整日期Date Adjust
有效日期Date Available
修改日期Date Changed
结束日期Date Closed
截止日期Date Due
生产日期Date in Produced
库存调整日期Date Inventory Adjust
作废日期D ate Obsolete
收到日期Date Received
交付日期Date Released
需求日期Date Required
发货日期Date to Pull
空负荷Dead Load
需求管理Demand Management
实际能力Demonstrated Capacity
非独立需求Dependent Demand
直接增减库存处理法Direct-deduct Inventory Transaction Processing
发料单Disbursement List
派工单Dispatch List
分销资源计划Distribution Resource Planning (DRP)
经济订货批量Economic Order Quantity (EOQ)
工程变更生效日期Engineering Change Effect Date
工程变更生效单Engineering Change Effect Work Order
工程停止日期Engineering Stop Date
例外控制Exception Control
呆滞材料分析Excess Material Analysis
急送代码Expedite Code
加工订单Fabrication Order
补足欠交Fill Backorder
总装提前期Final Assembly Lead Time
确认的计划订单Firm Planned Order
固定订货批量F ixed Order Quantity
集中预测Focus Forecasting
完全跟踪Full Pegging
通用生产管理原则Generally Accepted Manufacturing Practices
毛需求Gross Requirements
在制品库存In Process Inventory
独立需求Independent Demand
投入/产出控制Input/ Output Control
检验标识Inspection ID
厂际需求Interplant Demand
库存周转率Inventory Carry Rate
仓库库位类型Inventory Location Type
库存周转次数Inventory Turnover
发送订单Issue Order
项目记录Item Record
加工车间Job Shop
准时制生产Just-in-time (JIT)
人工工时Labor Hour
最后运输日期Last Shipment Date
提前期Lead Time
负荷量Load Leveling
负荷报告Load Report
仓位代码Location Code
仓位备注Location Remarks
仓位状况Location Status
按需订货Lot for Lot
批量标识Lot ID
批量编号Lot Number
批量Lot Size
低位码Low Level Code
机器能力Machine Capacity
机器加载Machine Loading
外购或自制决策Make or Buy Decision
面向订单生产的产品Make-to-order Product
面向库存生产的产品Make-to-stock Product
制造周期时间Manufacturing Cycle Time
制造资源计划Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRP II)
主生产计划Master Production Schedule (MPS)
物料成本Material Cost
物料发送和接收Material Issues and Receipts
物料需求计划Material Requirements Planning (MRP)
登陆标志MPS Book Flag MPS
多重仓位Multiple Location
净改变式MRP N et Change MRP
净需求Net Requirements
新仓位New Location
新组件New Parent
新仓库New Warehouse
不活动报告No Action Report
现有库存量On-hand Balance
未结订单Open Order
订单输入Order Entry
订货点Order Point
订货方针Order Policy
订货承诺Order Promising
订货备注Order Remarks
零件清单Part Bills
零件批次Part Lot
零件编号Part Number
领料单Picking List
计划订单Planned Order
后减库存处理法Post-deduct Inventory Transaction Processing
前减库存处理法Pre-deduct Inventory Transaction Processing
发票价格Price Invoice
采购订单价格Price Purchase Order
优先计划Priority Planning
产品控制Product Control
产品线Production Line
生产规划编制Production Planning
产品率Production Rate
产品结构树Production Tree
预计可用库存Projected Available Balance
采购订单跟踪Purchase Order Tracking
已分配量Quantity Allocation
仓位数量Quantity At Location
欠交数量Quantity Backorder
完成数量Quantity Completion
需求量Quantity Demand
毛需求量Quantity Gross
进货数量Quantity In
排队时间Queue Time
重生成式MRP Regenerated MRP
重排假设Rescheduling Assumption
资源需求计划Resource Requirements Planning
粗能力计划Rough-cut Capacity Planning
安全库存量Safety Stock
保险期Safety Time
预计入库量Scheduled Receipt
残料率Scrap Factor
发送零件Send Part
维修件Service Parts
发货地址Ship Address
发货单联系人Ship Contact
发货零件Ship Date
发货单Ship Order
工厂日历Shop Calendar
车间作业管理Shop Floor Control
损耗系数Shrinkage Factor
标准产品成本Standard Product Cost
标准机器设置工时Standard Set Up Hour
标准单位运转工时Standard Unit Run Hour
标准工资率Standard Wage Rate
状况代码Status Code
库存控制Stores Control
建议工作单Suggested Work Order
约束理论Theory of Constraints (TOC)
时间段Time Bucket
时界Time Fence
单位成本Unit Cost
采购计划员Vendor Scheduler
采购计划法Vendor Scheduling
工作中心能力Work Center Capacity
工作中心Work Center
在制品Work in Process
工作令跟踪Work Order Tracking
工作令Work Order
工作进度安排Work Scheduling
零库存Zero Inventories
美国生产和库存控制协会APICS,American Production & Inventory Control Society
APQP Advanced Product Quality Planning and Control Plan,产品质量先期策划和控制计划
PPAP Production Part Approval Process,生产件批准程序
FMEA Potential Failure Mode and Effects Analysis,潜在失效模式及后果分析
MSA Measure System Analysis,测量系统分析
SPC Statistical Process Control,统计过程控制
审核 Audit
能力 Capability
能力指数 Capability Indices
控制计划 Control Plans
纠正措施 Corrective Action
文件 Documentation
作业指导书 Job Instruction, work instruction
不合格品 Nonconformance
不合格 Nonconformity
每百万零件不合格数 Defective Parts Per Million, DPPM
预防措施 Preventive Action
过程流程图 Process Flow Diagram, Process Flow Chart
质量手册Quality Manual
质量计划 Quality Plan
质量策划 Quality Planning
质量记录Quality Records
原始数据Raw Data
反应计划Reaction Plan
质量要求quality requirement
顾客满意customer satisfaction
质量管理体系quality management system
质量方针quality policy
质量目标quality objective
质量管理quality management
质量控制quality control
质量保证quality assurance
设计与开发design and development:
可追溯性trace ability
计数型数据Attributes Data
普通原因Common Cause
随机抽样Random Sampling
特殊原因Special Cause
计量型数据variables Data
固有变差Inherent variation
总变差Total variation
过程更改Process change
过程特殊特性Special Process Characteristic
产品特殊特性Special Product Characteristic
外观项目Appearance Item
初始过程能力Preliminary Process Capability
材料清单Bill of Material
设计确认Design Validation
设计验证Design Verification
顾客的呼声Voice of the Customer
过程的呼声Voice of the Process
连接器 connector
端子 terminal
条型连接器 bar connector
阴连接器 Housing
阳连接器 wafer
线束 wire harness
间距 space
额定电压 rated voltage
额定电流 rated current
接触电阻 contact resistance
绝缘电阻 insulation resistance
超声波焊接 ultrasonic welding
耐压 withstand voltage
针 pin
物料编号 part number
导线 wire
基体金属 Base metal
电缆夹 cable clamp
倒角 chamfer
接触面积 contact area
接触件安装孔 contact cavity
接触长度 contact length
接触件电镀层 contact plating
接触压力 contact pressure
接触件中心距 contact space
接触簧片 contact spring
插孔 socket contact
法兰、凸缘 Flange
界面间隙 interfacial gap
键 Key
键槽 keyway
过渡段 ramp
屏蔽套 shielding
定位基准 Datum reference
扁平电缆f lat cable ,Ribbon cable
柔性印刷电线 Flexible printed wiring
多层印制电路 Multilayer printed circuit
焊盘 pad
图形 pattern
间距 pitch
负极 Negative pole
正极 positive pole
回流 Reflow
原理图 Schematic diagram
单面板 single sided board
双面板 Two-sided board,Double-sided board
表面安装 surface Mounting
翘曲 warp, bow
波峰焊 wave soldering
编织层 braid
同轴电缆 coaxial cable
电介质 dielectric
电缆中导线的头数 ends
外部干扰 external interference
填充物 filler
护套 jacket
比重 specific gravity
电阻的温度系数 Temperature coefficient of resistance
塑料模具 mould of plastics
注塑模具 injection mould
冲压模具 die
模架 mould base
定模座板 Top clamping plate
Top plate
Fixed clamp plate
水口推板 stripper plate
A板 A plate
B板 B plate
支承板 support plate
方铁 spacer plate
底针板 ejector plate
面针板 ejector retainer plate
回针 Return pin
导柱 Guide pin
有托导套 Shoulder Guide bush
直导套 Straight Guide bush
动模座板 Bottom clamp plate
Moving clamp plate
基准线 datum line
基准面 datum plan
型芯固定板 core-retainer plate
凸模固定板 punch-retainer plate
顶针 ejector pin
单腔模具 single cavity mould
多腔模具 multi-cavity mould
多浇口 multi-gating
浇口 gate
缺料 starving
排气 breathing
光泽 gloss
合模力 mould clamping force
锁模力 mould locking force
挤出 extrusion
开裂 crack
循环时间 cycle time
老化 aging
螺杆 screw
麻点 pit
嵌件 insert
活动镶件 movable insert
起垩 chalking
浇注系统 feed system
主流道 sprue
分流道 runner
浇口 gate
直浇口 direct gate , sprue gate
轮辐浇口 spoke gate , spider gate
点浇口 pin-point gate
测浇口 edge gate
潜伏浇口 submarine gate , tunnel gate
料穴 cold-slug well
浇口套 sprue bush
流道板 runner plate
排飞槽 vent
分型线(面) parting line
定模 stationary mould,Fixed mould
动模 movable mould, movable half
上模 upper mould, upper half
下模 lower mould, lower half
型腔 cavity
凹模 cavity plate,cavity block
拼块 split
定位销 dowel
定位销孔 dowel hole
型芯 core
斜销 angle pin, finger cam
滑块 slide
滑块导板 slide guide strip
楔紧块 heel block, wedge lock
拉料杆 sprue puller
定位环 locating ring
冷却通 cooling channel
脱模斜度 draft
滑动型芯 slide core
螺纹型芯 threaded core
热流道模具 hot-runner mould
绝热流道模 insulated runner mould
熔合纹 weld line (flow line)
三板式模具 three plate mould
脱模 ejection
换模腔模具 interchangeable cavity mould
脱模剂 release agent
注射能力 shot capacity
注射速率 injection rate
注射压力 injection pressure
差色剂 colorant
保压时间 holdup time
闭模时间 closing time
定型装置 sizing system
阴模 female mould,cavity block
阳模 male mould
电加工设备 Electron Discharge Machining
数控加工中心 CNC machine center
万能铁床 Universal milling machine
卧式刨床 Horizontal planer
车床 Engine lathe
平面磨床 Surface grinding machine
去磁机 Demagnetization machine
万能摇臂钻床 Universal radial movable driller
立式钻床 Vertical driller
超声波清洗机 Ultrasonic clearing machine
SPC statistic process control
品管保证 Quality Assurance
品管控制 Quality control
来料检验 IQC Incoming quality control
巡检IPQC In-process quality control
校对 calibration
动态试验 dynamic test
环境试验 Environmental test
非破坏性试验 non-destructive test
光泽 gloss
击穿电压(dielectric) breakdown voltage
拉伸强度 tensile strength
冷热骤变试验 thermal shock test
环境试验炉 Environmental chamber
盐雾实验 salt spray test
绝缘电阻测试验仪 Insulating resistance meter
内应力 internal stress
疲劳 fatigue
蠕变 creep
试样 specimen
撕裂强度 tear strength
缩痕 shrink mark, sink mark
耐久性 durability
抽样 sampling
样品数量 sample size
AQL Acceptable Quality level
批量 lot size
抽样计划 sampling plan
OC曲线 operation curve
试验顺序 sequence of tests
环境温度 ambient temperature
可焊性 solderability
阻燃性flame resistance